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Back to homepage// jscs:disable // jshint ignore: start /*! $.noUiSlider @version 5.0.0 @author Leon Gersen https://twitter.com/LeonGersen @license WTFPL http://www.wtfpl.net/about/ @documentation http://refreshless.com/nouislider/ */ // ==ClosureCompiler== // @externs_url http://refreshless.com/externs/jquery-1.8.js // @compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS // @warning_level VERBOSE // ==/ClosureCompiler== /*jshint laxcomma: true */ /*jshint smarttabs: true */ /*jshint sub: true */ /*jslint browser: true */ /*jslint continue: true */ /*jslint plusplus: true */ /*jslint white: true */ /*jslint sub: true */ (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; var noConflict = 'reduxNoUiSlider'; if ( $['zepto'] && ! $.fn.removeData ) { throw new ReferenceError( 'Zepto is loaded without the data module.' ); } $.fn[noConflict] = function( options, rebuild ) { var // Cache the document and body selectors; doc = $( document ), body = $( 'body' ) // Namespace for binding and unbinding slider events; , namespace = '.nui' // Copy of the current value function; , $VAL = $.fn.val // Re-usable list of classes; , clsList = [/* 0 */ 'noUi-base' /* 1 */, 'noUi-origin' /* 2 */, 'noUi-handle' /* 3 */, 'noUi-input' /* 4 */, 'noUi-active' /* 5 */, 'noUi-state-tap' /* 6 */, 'noUi-target' /* 7 */, '-lower' /* 8 */, '-upper' /* 9 */, 'noUi-connect' /* 10 */, 'noUi-horizontal' /* 11 */, 'noUi-vertical' /* 12 */, 'noUi-background' /* 13 */, 'noUi-stacking' /* 14 */, 'noUi-block' /* 15 */, 'noUi-state-blocked' /* 16 */, 'noUi-ltr' /* 17 */, 'noUi-rtl' /* 18 */, 'noUi-dragable' /* 19 */, 'noUi-extended' /* 20 */, 'noUi-state-drag'] // Determine the events to bind. IE11 implements pointerEvents without // a prefix, which breaks compatibility with the IE10 implementation. , actions = window.navigator['pointerEnabled'] ? { start: 'pointerdown', move: 'pointermove', end: 'pointerup' } : window.navigator['msPointerEnabled'] ? { start: 'MSPointerDown', move: 'MSPointerMove', end: 'MSPointerUp' } : { start: 'mousedown touchstart', move: 'mousemove touchmove', end: 'mouseup touchend' }; // Percentage calculation // (percentage) How many percent is this value of this range? function fromPercentage( range, value ) { return (value * 100) / (range[1] - range[0]); } // (percentage) Where is this value on this range? function toPercentage( range, value ) { return fromPercentage( range, range[0] < 0 ? value + Math.abs( range[0] ) : value - range[0] ); } // (value) How much is this percentage on this range? function isPercentage( range, value ) { return ((value * (range[1] - range[0])) / 100) + range[0]; } // Type tests // Test in an object is an instance of jQuery or Zepto. function isInstance( a ) { return a instanceof $ || ($['zepto'] && $['zepto']['isZ']( a )); } // Checks whether a value is numerical. function isNumeric( a ) { return ! isNaN( parseFloat( a ) ) && isFinite( a ); } // General helper functions // Test an array of objects, and calls them if they are a function. function call( functions, scope ) { // Allow the passing of an unwrapped function. // Leaves other code a more comprehensible. if ( ! Array.isArray( functions ) ) { functions = [functions]; } $.each( functions, function() { if ( typeof this === 'function' ) { this.call( scope ); } } ); } // Returns a proxy to set a target using the public value method. function setN( target, number ) { return function() { // Determine the correct position to set, // leave the other one unchanged. var val = [null, null]; val[number] = $( this ).val(); // Trigger the 'set' callback target.val( val, true ); }; } // Round a value to the closest 'to'. function closest( value, to ) { return Math.round( value / to ) * to; } // Format output value to specified standards. function format( value, options ) { // Round the value to the resolution that was set // with the serialization options. value = value.toFixed( options['decimals'] ); // Rounding away decimals might cause a value of -0 // when using very small ranges. Remove those cases. if ( parseFloat( value ) === 0 ) { value = value.replace( '-0', '0' ); } // Apply the proper decimal mark to the value. return value.replace( '.', options['serialization']['mark'] ); } // Determine the handle closest to an event. function closestHandle( handles, location, style ) { if ( handles.length === 1 ) { return handles[0]; } var total = handles[0].offset()[style] + handles[1].offset()[style]; return handles[location < total / 2 ? 0 : 1]; } // Round away small numbers in floating point implementation. function digits( value, round ) { return parseFloat( value.toFixed( round ) ); } // Event abstraction // Provide a clean event with standardized offset values. function fixEvent( e ) { // Prevent scrolling and panning on touch events, while // attempting to slide. The tap event also depends on this. e.preventDefault(); // Filter the event to register the type, which can be // touch, mouse or pointer. Offset changes need to be // made on an event specific basis. var touch = e.type.indexOf( 'touch' ) === 0, mouse = e.type.indexOf( 'mouse' ) === 0, pointer = e.type.indexOf( 'pointer' ) === 0, x, y, event = e; // IE10 implemented pointer events with a prefix; if ( e.type.indexOf( 'MSPointer' ) === 0 ) { pointer = true; } // Get the originalEvent, if the event has been wrapped // by jQuery. Zepto doesn't wrap the event. if ( e.originalEvent ) { e = e.originalEvent; } if ( touch ) { // noUiSlider supports one movement at a time, // so we can select the first 'changedTouch'. x = e.changedTouches[0].pageX; y = e.changedTouches[0].pageY; } if ( mouse || pointer ) { // Polyfill the pageXOffset and pageYOffset // variables for IE7 and IE8; if ( ! pointer && window.pageXOffset === undefined ) { window.pageXOffset = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; window.pageYOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } x = e.clientX + window.pageXOffset; y = e.clientY + window.pageYOffset; } return $.extend( event, { 'pointX': x, 'pointY': y, cursor: mouse } ); } // Handler for attaching events trough a proxy function attach( events, element, callback, pass ) { var target = pass.target; // Add the noUiSlider namespace to all events. events = events.replace( /\s/g, namespace + ' ' ) + namespace; // Bind a closure on the target. return element.on( events, function( e ) { // jQuery and Zepto handle unset attributes differently. var disabled = target.attr( 'disabled' ); disabled = ! (disabled === undefined || disabled === null); // Test if there is anything that should prevent an event // from being handled, such as a disabled state or an active // 'tap' transition. if ( target.hasClass( 'noUi-state-tap' ) || disabled ) { return false; } // Call the event handler with three arguments: // - The event; // - An object with data for the event; // - The slider options; // Having the slider options as a function parameter prevents // getting it in every function, which muddies things up. callback( fixEvent( e ), pass, target.data( 'base' ).data( 'options' ) ); } ); } // Serialization and value storage // Store a value on all serialization targets, or get the current value. function serialize( a ) { /*jshint validthis: true */ // Re-scope target for availability within .each; var target = this.target; // Get the value for this handle if ( a === undefined ) { return this.element.data( 'value' ); } // Write the value to all serialization objects // or store a new value on the handle if ( a === true ) { a = this.element.data( 'value' ); } else { this.element.data( 'value', a ); } // Prevent a serialization call if the value wasn't initialized. if ( a === undefined ) { return; } // If the provided element was a function, // call it with the slider as scope. Otherwise, // simply call the function on the object. $.each( this.elements, function() { if ( typeof this === 'function' ) { this.call( target, a ); } else { this[0][this[1]]( a ); } } ); } // Map serialization to [ element, method ]. Attach events where required. function storeElement( handle, item, number ) { // Add a change event to the supplied jQuery objects, // which triggers the value-setting function on the target. if ( isInstance( item ) ) { var elements = [], target = handle.data( 'target' ); // Link the field to the other handle if the // slider is inverted. if ( handle.data( 'options' ).direction ) { number = number ? 0 : 1; } // Loop all items so the change event is properly bound, // and the items can individually be added to the array. item.each( function() { // Bind the change event. $( this ).on( 'change' + namespace, setN( target, number ) ); // Store the element with the proper handler. elements.push( [$( this ), 'val'] ); } ); return elements; } // Append a new input to the noUiSlider base. // Prevent the change event from flowing upward. if ( typeof item === 'string' ) { item = [$( '' ).appendTo( handle ).addClass( clsList[3] ).on( 'change', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); } ), 'val']; } return [item]; } // Access point and abstraction for serialization. function store( handle, i, serialization ) { var elements = []; // Loops all items in the provided serialization setting, // add the proper events to them or create new input fields, // and add them as data to the handle so they can be kept // in sync with the slider value. $.each( serialization['to'][i], function( index ) { elements = elements.concat( storeElement( handle, serialization['to'][i][index], i ) ); } ); return { element: handle, elements: elements, target: handle.data( 'target' ), 'val': serialize }; } // Handle placement // Fire callback on unsuccessful handle movement. function block( base, stateless ) { var target = base.data( 'target' ); if ( ! target.hasClass( clsList[14] ) ) { // The visual effects should not always be applied. if ( ! stateless ) { target.addClass( clsList[15] ); setTimeout( function() { target.removeClass( clsList[15] ); }, 450 ); } target.addClass( clsList[14] ); call( base.data( 'options' ).block, target ); } } // Change inline style and apply proper classes. function placeHandle( handle, to ) { var settings = handle.data( 'options' ); to = digits( to, 7 ); // If the slider can move, remove the class // indicating the block state. handle.data( 'target' ).removeClass( clsList[14] ); // Set handle to new location handle.css( settings['style'], to + '%' ).data( 'pct', to ); // Force proper handle stacking if ( handle.is( ':first-child' ) ) { handle.toggleClass( clsList[13], to > 50 ); } if ( settings['direction'] ) { to = 100 - to; } // Write the value to the serialization object. handle.data( 'store' ).val( format( isPercentage( settings['range'], to ), settings ) ); } // Test suggested values and apply margin, step. function setHandle( handle, to ) { var base = handle.data( 'base' ), settings = base.data( 'options' ), handles = base.data( 'handles' ), lower = 0, upper = 100; // Catch invalid user input if ( ! isNumeric( to ) ) { return false; } // Handle the step option. if ( settings['step'] ) { to = closest( to, settings['step'] ); } if ( handles.length > 1 ) { if ( handle[0] !== handles[0][0] ) { lower = digits( handles[0].data( 'pct' ) + settings['margin'], 7 ); } else { upper = digits( handles[1].data( 'pct' ) - settings['margin'], 7 ); } } // Limit position to boundaries. When the handles aren't set yet, // they return -1 as a percentage value. to = Math.min( Math.max( to, lower ), upper < 0 ? 100 : upper ); // Stop handling this call if the handle can't move past another. // Return an array containing the hit limit, so the caller can // provide feedback. ( block callback ). if ( to === handle.data( 'pct' ) ) { return [! lower ? false : lower, upper === 100 ? false : upper]; } placeHandle( handle, to ); return true; } // Handles movement by tapping function jump( base, handle, to, callbacks ) { // Flag the slider as it is now in a transitional state. // Transition takes 300 ms, so re-enable the slider afterwards. base.addClass( clsList[5] ); setTimeout( function() { base.removeClass( clsList[5] ); }, 300 ); // Move the handle to the new position. setHandle( handle, to ); // Trigger the 'slide' and 'set' callbacks, // pass the target so that it is 'this'. call( callbacks, base.data( 'target' ) ); base.data( 'target' ).trigger( 'change' ); } // Event handlers // Handle movement on document for handle and range drag. function move( event, Dt, Op ) { // Map event movement to a slider percentage. var handles = Dt.handles, limits, proposal = event[Dt.point] - Dt.start[Dt.point]; proposal = (proposal * 100) / Dt.size; if ( handles.length === 1 ) { // Run handle placement, receive true for success or an // array with potential limits. limits = setHandle( handles[0], Dt.positions[0] + proposal ); if ( limits !== true ) { if ( $.inArray( handles[0].data( 'pct' ), limits ) >= 0 ) { block( Dt.base, ! Op['margin'] ); } return; } } else { // Dragging the range could be implemented by forcing the // 'move' event on both handles, but this solution proved // lagging on slower devices, resulting in range errors. The // slightly ugly solution below is considerably faster, and // it can't move the handle out of sync. Bypass the standard // setting method, as other checks are needed. var l1, u1, l2, u2; // Round the proposal to the step setting. if ( Op['step'] ) { proposal = closest( proposal, Op['step'] ); } // Determine the new position, store it twice. Once for // limiting, once for checking whether placement should occur. l1 = l2 = Dt.positions[0] + proposal; u1 = u2 = Dt.positions[1] + proposal; // Round the values within a sensible range. if ( l1 < 0 ) { u1 += - 1 * l1; l1 = 0; } else if ( u1 > 100 ) { l1 -= (u1 - 100); u1 = 100; } // Don't perform placement if no handles are to be changed. // Check if the lowest value is set to zero. if ( l2 < 0 && ! l1 && ! handles[0].data( 'pct' ) ) { return; } // The highest value is limited to 100%. if ( u1 === 100 && u2 > 100 && handles[1].data( 'pct' ) === 100 ) { return; } placeHandle( handles[0], l1 ); placeHandle( handles[1], u1 ); } // Trigger the 'slide' event, if the handle was moved. call( Op['slide'], Dt.target ); } // Unbind move events on document, call callbacks. function end( event, Dt, Op ) { // The handle is no longer active, so remove the class. if ( Dt.handles.length === 1 ) { Dt.handles[0].data( 'grab' ).removeClass( clsList[4] ); } // Remove cursor styles and text-selection events bound to the body. if ( event.cursor ) { body.css( 'cursor', '' ).off( namespace ); } // Unbind the move and end events, which are added on 'start'. doc.off( namespace ); // Trigger the change event. Dt.target.removeClass( clsList[14] + ' ' + clsList[20] ).trigger( 'change' ); // Trigger the 'end' callback. call( Op['set'], Dt.target ); } // Bind move events on document. function start( event, Dt, Op ) { // Mark the handle as 'active' so it can be styled. if ( Dt.handles.length === 1 ) { Dt.handles[0].data( 'grab' ).addClass( clsList[4] ); } // A drag should never propagate up to the 'tap' event. event.stopPropagation(); // Attach the move event. attach( actions.move, doc, move, { start: event, base: Dt.base, target: Dt.target, handles: Dt.handles, positions: [Dt.handles[0].data( 'pct' ), Dt.handles[Dt.handles.length - 1].data( 'pct' )], point: Op['orientation'] ? 'pointY' : 'pointX', size: Op['orientation'] ? Dt.base.height() : Dt.base.width() } ); // Unbind all movement when the drag ends. attach( actions.end, doc, end, { target: Dt.target, handles: Dt.handles } ); // Text selection isn't an issue on touch devices, // so adding additional callbacks isn't required. if ( event.cursor ) { // Prevent the 'I' cursor and extend the range-drag cursor. body.css( 'cursor', $( event.target ).css( 'cursor' ) ); // Mark the target with a dragging state. if ( Dt.handles.length > 1 ) { Dt.target.addClass( clsList[20] ); } // Prevent text selection when dragging the handles. body.on( 'selectstart' + namespace, function() { return false; } ); } } // Move closest handle to tapped location. function tap( event, Dt, Op ) { var base = Dt.base, handle, to, point, size; // The tap event shouldn't propagate up to trigger 'edge'. event.stopPropagation(); // Determine the direction of the slider. if ( Op['orientation'] ) { point = event['pointY']; size = base.height(); } else { point = event['pointX']; size = base.width(); } // Find the closest handle and calculate the tapped point. handle = closestHandle( base.data( 'handles' ), point, Op['style'] ); to = ((point - base.offset()[Op['style']]) * 100) / size; // The set handle to the new position. jump( base, handle, to, [Op['slide'], Op['set']] ); } // Move handle to edges when target gets tapped. function edge( event, Dt, Op ) { var handles = Dt.base.data( 'handles' ), to, i; i = Op['orientation'] ? event['pointY'] : event['pointX']; i = i < Dt.base.offset()[Op['style']]; to = i ? 0 : 100; i = i ? 0 : handles.length - 1; jump( Dt.base, handles[i], to, [Op['slide'], Op['set']] ); } // API // Validate and standardize input. function test( input, sliders ) { /* Every input option is tested and parsed. This'll prevent endless validation in internal methods. These tests are structured with an item for every option available. An option can be marked as required by setting the 'r' flag. The testing function is provided with three arguments: - The provided value for the option; - A reference to the options object; - The name for the option; The testing function returns false when an error is detected, or true when everything is OK. It can also modify the option object, to make sure all values can be correctly looped elsewhere. */ function values( a ) { if ( a.length !== 2 ) { return false; } // Convert the array to floats a = [parseFloat( a[0] ), parseFloat( a[1] )]; // Test if all values are numerical if ( ! isNumeric( a[0] ) || ! isNumeric( a[1] ) ) { return false; } // The lowest value must really be the lowest value. if ( a[1] < a[0] ) { return false; } return a; } var serialization = { resolution: function( q, o ) { // Parse the syntactic sugar that is the serialization // resolution option to a usable integer. // Checking for a string '1', since the resolution needs // to be cast to a string to split in on the period. switch ( q ) { case 1: case 0.1: case 0.01: case 0.001: case 0.0001: case 0.00001: q = q.toString().split( '.' ); o['decimals'] = q[0] === '1' ? 0 : q[1].length; break; case undefined: o['decimals'] = 2; break; default: return false; } return true; }, mark: function( q, o, w ) { if ( ! q ) { o[w]['mark'] = '.'; return true; } switch ( q ) { case '.': case ',': return true; default: return false; } }, to: function( q, o, w ) { // Checks whether a variable is a candidate to be a // valid serialization target. function ser( r ) { return isInstance( r ) || typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'function' || r === false || (isInstance( r[0] ) && typeof r[0][r[1]] === 'function'); } // Flatten the serialization array into a reliable // set of elements, which can be tested and looped. function filter( value ) { var items = [[], []]; // If a single value is provided it can be pushed // immediately. if ( ser( value ) ) { items[0].push( value ); } else { // Otherwise, determine whether this is an // array of single elements or sets. $.each( value, function( i, val ) { // Don't handle an overflow of elements. if ( i > 1 ) { return; } // Decide if this is a group or not if ( ser( val ) ) { items[i].push( val ); } else { items[i] = items[i].concat( val ); } } ); } return items; } if ( ! q ) { o[w]['to'] = [[], []]; } else { var i, j; // Flatten the serialization array q = filter( q ); // Reverse the API for RTL sliders. if ( o['direction'] && q[1].length ) { q.reverse(); } // Test all elements in the flattened array. for ( i = 0; i < o['handles']; i ++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < q[i].length; j ++ ) { // Return false on invalid input if ( ! ser( q[i][j] ) ) { return false; } // Remove 'false' elements, since those // won't be handled anyway. if ( ! q[i][j] ) { q[i].splice( j, 1 ); } } } // Write the new values back o[w]['to'] = q; } return true; } }, tests = { /* Handles. * Has default, can be 1 or 2. */ 'handles': { 'r': true, 't': function( q ) { q = parseInt( q, 10 ); return (q === 1 || q === 2); } } /* Range. * Must be an array of two numerical floats, * which can't be identical. */, 'range': { 'r': true, 't': function( q, o, w ) { o[w] = values( q ); // The values can't be identical. return o[w] && o[w][0] !== o[w][1]; } } /* Start. * Must be an array of two numerical floats when handles = 2; * Uses 'range' test. * When handles = 1, a single float is also allowed. */, 'start': { 'r': true, 't': function( q, o, w ) { if ( o['handles'] === 1 ) { if ( Array.isArray( q ) ) { q = q[0]; } q = parseFloat( q ); o.start = [q]; return isNumeric( q ); } o[w] = values( q ); return ! ! o[w]; } } /* Connect. * Must be true or false when handles = 2; * Can use 'lower' and 'upper' when handles = 1. */, 'connect': { 'r': true, 't': function( q, o, w ) { if ( q === 'lower' ) { o[w] = 1; } else if ( q === 'upper' ) { o[w] = 2; } else if ( q === true ) { o[w] = 3; } else if ( q === false ) { o[w] = 0; } else { return false; } return true; } } /* Connect. * Will default to horizontal, not required. */, 'orientation': { 't': function( q, o, w ) { switch ( q ) { case 'horizontal': o[w] = 0; break; case 'vertical': o[w] = 1; break; default: return false; } return true; } } /* Margin. * Must be a float, has a default value. */, 'margin': { 'r': true, 't': function( q, o, w ) { q = parseFloat( q ); o[w] = fromPercentage( o['range'], q ); return isNumeric( q ); } } /* Direction. * Required, can be 'ltr' or 'rtl'. */, 'direction': { 'r': true, 't': function( q, o, w ) { switch ( q ) { case 'ltr': o[w] = 0; break; case 'rtl': o[w] = 1; // Invert connection for RTL sliders; o['connect'] = [0, 2, 1, 3][o['connect']]; break; default: return false; } return true; } } /* Behaviour. * Required, defines responses to tapping and * dragging elements. */, 'behaviour': { 'r': true, 't': function( q, o, w ) { o[w] = { 'tap': q !== (q = q.replace( 'tap', '' )), 'extend': q !== (q = q.replace( 'extend', '' )), 'drag': q !== (q = q.replace( 'drag', '' )), 'fixed': q !== (q = q.replace( 'fixed', '' )) }; return ! q.replace( 'none', '' ).replace( /\-/g, '' ); } } /* Serialization. * Required, but has default. Must be an array * when using two handles, can be a single value when using * one handle. 'mark' can be period (.) or comma (,). */, 'serialization': { 'r': true, 't': function( q, o, w ) { return serialization.to( q['to'], o, w ) && serialization.resolution( q['resolution'], o ) && serialization.mark( q['mark'], o, w ); } } /* Slide. * Not required. Must be a function. */, 'slide': { 't': function( q ) { return 'function' === typeof q; } } /* Set. * Not required. Must be a function. * Tested using the 'slide' test. */, 'set': { 't': function( q ) { return 'function' === typeof q; } } /* Block. * Not required. Must be a function. * Tested using the 'slide' test. */, 'block': { 't': function( q ) { return 'function' === typeof q; } } /* Step. * Not required. */, 'step': { 't': function( q, o, w ) { q = parseFloat( q ); o[w] = fromPercentage( o['range'], q ); return isNumeric( q ); } } }; $.each( tests, function( name, test ) { /*jslint devel: true */ var value = input[name], isSet = value !== undefined; // If the value is required but not set, fail. if ( (test['r'] && ! isSet) || // If the test returns false, fail. (isSet && ! test['t']( value, input, name )) ) { // For debugging purposes it might be very useful to know // what option caused the trouble. Since throwing an error // will prevent further script execution, log the error // first. Test for console, as it might not be available. if ( console && console.log && console.group ) { console.group( 'Invalid noUiSlider initialisation:' ); console.log( 'Option:\t', name ); console.log( 'Value:\t', value ); console.log( 'Slider(s):\t', sliders ); console.groupEnd(); } throw new RangeError( noConflict ); } } ); } // Parse options, add classes, attach events, create HTML. function create( options ) { /*jshint validthis: true */ // Store the original set of options on all targets, // so they can be re-used and re-tested later. // Make sure to break the relation with the options, // which will be changed by the 'test' function. this.data( 'options', $.extend( true, {}, options ) ); // Set defaults where applicable; options = $.extend( { 'handles': 2, 'margin': 0, 'connect': false, 'direction': 'ltr', 'behaviour': 'tap', 'orientation': 'horizontal' }, options ); // Make sure the test for serialization runs. options['serialization'] = options['serialization'] || {}; // Run all options through a testing mechanism to ensure correct // input. The test function will throw errors, so there is // no need to capture the result of this call. It should be noted // that options might get modified to be handled properly. E.g. // wrapping integers in arrays. test( options, this ); // Pre-define the styles. options['style'] = options['orientation'] ? 'top' : 'left'; return this.each( function() { var target = $( this ), i, dragable, handles = [], handle, base = $( '
' ).appendTo( target ); // Throw an error if the slider was already initialized. if ( target.data( 'base' ) ) { throw new Error( 'Slider was already initialized.' ); } // Apply classes and data to the target. target.data( 'base', base ).addClass( [clsList[6], clsList[16 + options['direction']], clsList[10 + options['orientation']]].join( ' ' ) ); for ( i = 0; i < options['handles']; i ++ ) { handle = $( 'It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?
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